Monday Drive: On a Tuesday

St Louis - Botanical Gardens

Every weekend should consist of three days off from work. In a bit I’ll be heading back to Lexington from my weekend in St. Louis. The five hours isn’t that terrible when you’re driving to your destination, but when you’re returning home it’s definitely not the least bit fun. Luckily getting back in the swing of things is good for the soul (& good for my diet).

I have lots to add to the Monday Drive today!

  • There is always something going on in St. Louis. Therefore, being the person who can’t sit still, this is great for anyone trying to entertain me. This weekend, M & I went to the Japanese Festival at the Missouri Botanical Gardens. Some of us (well, M) learned several new dances, we ate delicious food & we watched as lanterns were lowered in the lake at dark. Because this was such a good time, I’m going to be checking out other events there this year & so can you, click here.
  • I started reading Girl Wash Your Face last week & I’m so glad I did. I’ve been looking for inspiration, because there are a lot of things going on right now. To say my head is spinning is an understatement. I love the humor Rachel Hollis adds to her stories that make you realize you aren’t alone on this crazy ride called life.
  • Hi, my name is Sarah & I am addicted to hair products. Someone asked what I spend the most of my money on after food, I said “all things hair”. Finally, I had a product routine & I was super happy with it. But then I had to make a trip to Ulta because I was out of a few things & what happens next?! I decide to try a couple travel minis “just to see”. Well, now I have a new obsession, Drybar Southern Belle. It smells good, it feels good & darn it I like the way it looks. If you’re wanting to try a new ‘do, well, this is definitely a do!
  • Living the Tale of Two Cities did the first big giveaway last week! Definitely count on seeing more of those in the future, because it was so much fun & thank you to all who participated. I’m excited for you to be reading along!
  • A benefit of being downtown in a city such as St. Louis is that you can hit 10K steps without even realizing it. When we go to dinner, we almost always walk, unless we are leaving the downtown area. I knew that this would jump start the getting healthy thing again. It always does. So I brought along my little 5lb weights, yoga mat & resistance band to do a little extra. I’ve told myself to start small & hopefully it will turn into something big. Like big muscles, HA! I’m looking for some good at home yoga routines if anyone can direct me to a good website!

That’s all for this Monday Drive, but I have a few blog posts I am excited to share with you this week! In the meantime, you can catch the last Monday Drive here.

I’m Sarah

Welcome to creative outlet, where I’ll talk all things motherhood, cooking, life…it’s going to be a bumpy ride. Let’s take flight!

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