Monday Drive: Catching Up

Catching Up - Friends, Big Brother, Household Chores

This weekend was all about catching up. Catching up with friends, on Big Brother & my household chores. I wish I could add sleeping to that list, but I am always up way too early on the weekends. The one thing I am definitely enjoying about Monday is catching up with all of you, hope you’re ready for the Monday Drive!

  • A good friend introduced me to Girls’ Night In, a newsletter that is delivered in my email every Friday. I can’t tell you how excited I get to read it!. Reading this newsletter & the blogs I enjoy most on Saturday, first thing, has become one of my favorite rituals. It doesn’t matter where I am, I will make a delicious cup of coffee & relax, all while catching up on the week.
  • Have you all heard of Jay Shetty? He’s an ex Monk who has these inspirational messages that you can subscribe to, or just follow his Facebook & they are out of this world. His messages seem to give me clarity, helping to see things from another perspective. While scrolling through social media on Saturday, I saw this quote from Jay Shetty, “Fall in love with your own company. When we can be alone, we can be with others without using them as a means of escape.” I couldn’t agree with something more. I think it’s just as important to be happy spending time alone as it is being around someone. This is what makes one interesting & confident. It’s key for those of us in a long distance relationship.
  • I found an amazing recipe that I plan on making for dinner tonight! Grilled Paprika Yogurt Chicken Kabobs, by Cookin Canuck. Another highlight about this awesome blog is she also includes Weight Watcher points!
  • I mentioned above, I got caught up on Big Brother this weekend. Please tell me that someone else is as obsessed with this goofiness as I am! Also, I think I’m Team Kaycee or Team Tyler. Keep in mind, I haven’t watched Sunday’s episode yet.
  • Started a new book last night, I mean, I opened a new book last night before I drifted to sleep. Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman. I have seen this book on so many reading lists & couldn’t wait to start it. I have 8 days before I have to return it to the library, wish me luck!
  • Catching up with friends is always good for the soul. I was lucky enough to spend a few hours each day of the weekend with good friends. One of my friends hosts a Wine Night once a month & introduces the group to 6 different wines. She helps us figure out what we smell, taste & see in order to determine what kind of wine it is. Then, she cooks a delicious dinner & we all get to sit around & give an update of our lives. A wine night is a great idea if you are hosting people at your house. Maybe I can talk her into giving us a behind the scenes look of hosting a Wine Night! My friends are pretty awesome, & if you haven’t already done so, check out my post on Girl Gangs.  

Have a great week friends! I feel like there are some exciting things on the horizon, so keep plugging along!

I’m Sarah

Welcome to creative outlet, where I’ll talk all things motherhood, cooking, life…it’s going to be a bumpy ride. Let’s take flight!

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