Survival Tips – “The Move In”

Loft Living w/all the colors

Two weeks, six days, & 18 hours ago I did something scary. I moved in with my boyfriend. So what’s been different since taking the plunge you ask? It’s pretty much the easiest transition I’ve had in my entire life. In fact this whole move has been completely uncomplicated. It’s kinda insane & I’m taking this for a “meant to be” situation.

A move, job change & living together all at once is a whole lot of stressful situations. And even so there haven’t been any knock down drag out fights. One of those reason is simply that I am dating a Saint & the other is that we are just taking this little piece of life for what it is, an adventure. An adventure we can share & help us to grow together.

Not everyone is going to date a Saint (take for example M, bless him). Not everyone is going to have a roommate that is June Cleaver. Below you will find my thoughts on how to survive that initial move date!


1.) Buy & stock LOTS of toothpaste. Yeah, it’s wonderful if he/your roommate/etc. has a tube & you have a tube, but when I say that’s not enough. Trust me. Then once you have said tube of extra toothpaste, hide it. Recently, I switched toothpastes. I’m sorry Colgate, I switched to Crest. Unbeknownst to me, M uses the same type. On my second day of my new job, M has a work trip & leaves before I’m up at around 5:30am. So once I wake up & waddle to the bathroom to brush my teeth I realize MY toothpaste is gone. Not only is MY toothpaste gone, but so is his. I promise you, there will now ALWAYS be a hidden tube somewhere in the house. I do not like to play find the Easter egg so early in the morning.


2.) Bells. I’m a fan. I’m a fan of putting bells on your animal’s collars to know they are coming into the room & I’m just going to say it, I’m a fan of bells around the necks of humans to know when they come into a room as well. A bit silly you think? I can’t tell you how many times I have been scared out of my mind by M just walking into a room. I’ve lived alone people, it’s not something I’m used to.


3.) It’s very important for you to share chores with your bf/gf/roommate. Find what they don’t mind to do, that you do not enjoy & vice versa. I fill the trashcans & M takes them to the trash shoot. Team work!


Those are a few of the little funny stories I can tell you about living together. We’ve had some really good laughs out of those. But in all seriousness, it is a change going from a completely silent house to one that has a few more noises. Things change, your meals change, your bedtimes change, your closet space changes (poor M). You have to be open minded to accept all of those changes, because ultimately it’s accepting the other person.

From our experiences, I have learned that maybe we don’t have the same taste in certain things, but that’s also why we love each other. There are a few candles that I’ve turned my nose up to. I’ve had him hide all the tissues from plain sight which was a major controversy apparently. I’m trying to be better, be more patient & realize this is a space for both of us. I can’t hog the blankets or turn the heat down too low, because I’m not the only one living there. And he can’t…I’m going to be honest, he doesn’t do a lot to make me mad. Plus I have someone who shares the chores & cooking with me! I have banned him from the laundry room though, but he still has free reign on the rest of the loft. I don’t want to sound gushy, but it’s really nice having him around. Well it will be,once I invest in the bell to hang from his neck!

I’m Sarah

Welcome to creative outlet, where I’ll talk all things motherhood, cooking, life…it’s going to be a bumpy ride. Let’s take flight!

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