The Battle of “To Do” versus “Someday”

Aruba Sailboat

Monday comes around so fast, the fun things I want to tell you seem to be only living in my head & I haven’t written them out on paper. Lately, I feel rushed, like I have only an inkling of time to accomplish everything on my “to do” today list. Let’s face it, I can’t even get to the “someday” list anytime soon, & it’s the “someday” list that makes my heart swell.

On my “to do” list is the endless cycle of laundry & dirty dishes. It’s going to work, to the grocery, cooking dinner, cleaning up dinner & bed. But on my “someday” list, that’s where the magic lies. This isn’t just a list of hopes & dreams, it’s basic…it’s well, see for yourself.



Gratitude Journal

More blogging

Read my new books

Organize my sock drawer

…the storage closet

…my jewelry


Take photos in front of Christmas tree

Do a tour of my home on Insta


Phone dates

Dinner dates

Meal prep

Go to Lark Skin Co.

Bubble bath

Read blogs

Create a makeup area

More Pinterest time

Finish Orange is the New Black

Watch a silly Netflix Holiday movie

I realize that these aren’t big asks & that I should be able to pepper these throughout my week. M thinks I need to work out, that it will give me more energy. It would. But where’s the energy that I need to get to the gym?  If there is a magic formula I need it.

You can have it all. Just not all at once.” – Oprah Winfrey


Truth be told, there isn’t a magic formula. All we can do is make minor adjustments so that can start to be fulfilled with all the things that bring us joy.

This morning I announced I would find time to go to the gym at lunch a few times a week. After work when the sun is gone and my eyelids are heavy, going to a gym is the last thing I want to do. I enjoy the shuffle to the kitchen in my fluffy robe to make coffee of a morning. While I’m savoring the first cup I could be reading the blog post that I bookmarked earlier in the week or finishing a chapter in my book.

When I crawl into bed at night (with the chickens I might add) I could try writing in my gratitude journal before falling asleep. To create additional time in the day, meal prepping on Sunday could help in preparation of the week ahead. Even one load of laundry a night will keep the piles of clothes down and limit the once a week panic attack (and more piles of clean clothes).

Personally, I have to accomplish my “to do” lists. Otherwise, not only is my home a complete & utter mess, but so is my mind. But more of my “someday” list needs to be incorporated into those “to dos” because without them I am not living life to the fullest. I’d love to hear if I’m the only one on this crazy train or if there are others who struggle to find enough hours in the day. And if you’ve found that magic formula mentioned above or just what works for you.

I’m Sarah

Welcome to creative outlet, where I’ll talk all things motherhood, cooking, life…it’s going to be a bumpy ride. Let’s take flight!

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