Sarah St. - The New

A lot of new changes are happening friends. This week was probably one of the most significant weeks I’ve had probably in my entire life. I announced my plans to move to St. Louis in a couple weeks, I put in my notice at work, had my first “going away” party with some amazing ladies & I’ve launched a new podcast with my friend Holly. To put it simply, it’s been an insane week full of new possibilities. On top of the all the excitement, a head cold has graced me with it’s presence for the later part of the week. I spent Sunday wrapped in a blanket with the windows open listening to it rain while dozing in & out of much needed rest.

The Monday Drive is one of my favorite posts I do. I love sharing the random thoughts I have with you & hopefully introducing you to something new or making you laugh. This week my brain which has been in overdrive has created quite the list for you, so I hope you enjoy.

Skinnytaste Does It Again

This isn’t new, but the recipe is & it’s worth mentioning. I used this website a lot when I did Weightwatchers & really loved the recipes! Last night I picked out the Pasta with Butternut Squash Sauce, Spicy Sausage and Baby Spinach to make for dinner because it sounded perfect for the rainy cold day. Since I’m doing T.R.I.M., I have found it super easy to plan my meals & stay on track. I can even eat meals like this on low calorie day.

Mrs. Meyers

Who is this woman? She is amazing & she makes some amazing products. I’ve always been a big Mrs. Meyers soap user, but for a change of pace I bought these Honeysuckle dryer sheets recently & I’m obsessed. They make my entire downstairs smell so lovely. I even put a sheets in my car, woah…just so good.

New Podcast

You may have seen all the hype, yesterday Why Should I? podcast with my friend Holly went live! We’ve been friends for about 5 years now & really have relied on one another during the ups & downs of life. Both being in our thirties we felt like we had so much life experience to share with other women. W wanted to really be an outlet for women to come to for those questions that they have. Join us as we navigate through the “should’s” in life, Why Should I? is now on iTunes & you can catch the first three episodes. Please let us know what you think & if it’s something you like, go ahead and subscribe!

Jewel Tones

I love all the jewel tones that companies are debuting this year. Currently obsessed with this furniture from Anthropologie, although I know I need to keep on dreaming. I have also found similar pieces at Target & that makes my heart happy!

Anthro Chair | Anthro Couch | Target Couch | Target Ottoman

Moving Checklist?

As I am navigating this move & trying to remember what has to be done in order to move, I am making a TON of lists. It’s been 9 years folks since actually had a real move & that was when I moved into my current condo. Not only am I going to create a moving checklist for myself, I’m also going to share it with you! Be on the lookout this week!


I did it. I lazily had someone bring me my groceries Sunday because, sniffles. It’s life changing! I had the nicest lady bring them to my door & she did a great job picking out superb produce. If you want to try it out, use this link & code SBUMGARDNER1E2 to save $10!

Bear with me over the next couple weeks as I really embrace the new. I am welcoming advice, boxes & wine!

I’m Sarah

Welcome to creative outlet, where I’ll talk all things motherhood, cooking, life…it’s going to be a bumpy ride. Let’s take flight!

Let’s connect