Hang Up A Hammock and Let’s Read: WomanCode


Hang a Hammock & Read: WomanCode

Loading my Amazon cart with books or scrolling through the library catalog is something that brings me great joy! There is a never-ending stack of books that I constantly add to. Very rarely is there a book that I add to the toss pile. Earlier this summer I finished WomanCode: Perfect Your Cycle, Amplify Your Fertility, Supercharge Your Sex Drive, and Become a Power Source by Alisa Vitti, HHC and I have went back through it so many times, because there is such great information in this book!

For the past two years, I’ve really tried to make a point of being healthy. Everyone has a different version of what healthy means and it can definitely be an overwhelming subject. For me, healthy means being comfortable in my own skin. It means having the energy to make it through the day without feeling deflated. It means listening to my body when it needs a break or when it needs to sweat it out.

One big misconception I have always had is with why to avoid certain foods. My main thought was avoiding certain ones because they would make me gain weight. I didn’t think about the way I actually felt after I consumed certain things. Or even how the food I was eating could be triggering my skin issues and overall mood. Then I started reading WomanCode and my thoughts around different food groups definitely changed.

So why do I think this is a must read for those of us trying to stay healthy? First, I think we as women don’t realize that our hormones are affected by what we eat, what we drink, and how often we move our bodies. I didn’t realize that there’s an explanation as to why certain weeks we are more creative or other weeks we feel more productive and ready to own the world. It’s our hormones ladies! Did you know that by eating certain foods at certain times could improve your overall health? Not only that, but some weeks are better than others for exercise, alone time, and trying something new.

After doing the four day cleanse, I have a better understanding of my skin triggers. Unfortunately I have decided that I should only have sugar and dairy in moderation if I want to keep clear skin. I don’t avoid them completely, because, ice cream is my spirit animal.

This book has a slow start but a powerful message. I challenge you to read it and let me know if you don’t feel a heck of a lot more in tune with yourself after you read it.


I’m Sarah

Welcome to creative outlet, where I’ll talk all things motherhood, cooking, life…it’s going to be a bumpy ride. Let’s take flight!

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