Find Joy In Your Inbox – Newsletter Roundup for 2019

Joy. What things bring you joy? Chilly mornings, Instacart & a clean house are a few of things that bring me joy. I’m trying to eliminate the clutter in my life since simplicity leads me to joy. This includes tossing out everything I don’t need. I’m running around my house decluttering & realize that I have a whole virtual world that never gets cleaned up. That includes my email inbox, FB notifications & the photos on my phone. I’m constantly struggling with “are the photos in the cloud, can I delete them from my phone,” and I never can determine the answer.

While I do love decluttering & simplifying my life, there are some “things” that bring me joy as well. Newsletters delivered in my inbox. These could be considered by some to be additions to the clutter, thinking that one more email may tip you over the edge. To me, they are bright spots in the day that I look forward to reading which is why I am sharing them with you. If you would like a little inspiration delivered in your inbox for you to read at your leisure, I recommend checking out the following.

Intelligent Change

The Five Minute Journal has been a great addition to my daily routine. When looking for the journal to purchase, I stumbled upon the Intelligent Change website which is who makes the Five Minute Journal. Then I noticed that I would check their blog every weekend when I was going through my blog reading list. This is when I decided to sign up for the Intelligent Tuesday newsletter. Now, every Tuesday I get an email filled with productivity tips, relationship & self-development advice. It has definitely been a breath of fresh air to receive.

Girls Night In

It’s ironic really that there’s a newsletter after one of my longtime favorite rituals, staying home on Friday nights. My friend Misty is someone who I love to get recommendations from & this has been one of my favorites. The Girls Night In newsletter comes on Friday morning, I usually save mine until Saturday or Sunday morning to read so I’m not rushing through. It includes self-care tips, links to great articles as well as always has a cute social post from the week.


Let me begin by saying how much I love MyDomaine as well as their Second Life Podcast. It’s really hard to find time to browse the website because you can get sucked into so many good posts. This is why I have loved signing up for their newsletter. I get the latest sent to my inbox so I can read on a quick daily break.

Morning Brew

I really like getting to work 30 minutes early. I can fill up my coffee cup, open my calendar & have a chance to read this newsletter before my workday starts. Morning Brew gives you the insights you need on the day in a short, easy to read format that will give you a chuckle here & there.

Susannah Conway

Definition of inspiration. I love getting these emails from Susannah Conway in my inbox & saving them for the perfect moment of quiet so that I can really dig in deeper.

That’s it for the roundup, but I am constantly looking for inspiration delivered to my inbox. What emails do you subscribe to that make you smile?

I’m Sarah

Welcome to creative outlet, where I’ll talk all things motherhood, cooking, life…it’s going to be a bumpy ride. Let’s take flight!

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