
My First Thanksgiving

My First Thanksgiving

The hectic Holidays are fast approaching friends. Does hectic have to be a bad word? The dictionary defines hectic as full of incessant or frantic activity, but that’s what I love about the Holidays. Going. Moving Fast. See all the people & eating all the food.

Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thanksgiving is right on our heels. M & I are hosting our first Thanksgiving this year. We originally had planned to visit his parents, then thought how fun it would be to have everyone here. Since we switched plans around sorta last minute my family won’t be able to join us, but we’ll go see them the weekend after!

Table for Thanksgiving Dinner

For the first Thanksgiving I’ll be hosting 6 people & trying my hand at some of my family’s Thanksgiving Day dishes. All with my mom on speed dial of course! Let me take you through what our day looks like!


One of my favorite things about St. Louis is that one can never be bored! There are a million fun activities to do around the city no matter what you are looking for. The weekend of Thanksgiving, there is a parade, a Blues Hockey game, & Christmas lights at Anheuser-Busch. Definitely a lot to do!

  • Turkey – guys we are buying this from Sugarfire because a.) I have NO clue on how to cook a turkey & b.) Sugerfire, Yum!
  • Mashed Red Potatoes – these are so super simple, red potatoes, butter, milk, sour cream, garlic, salt & pepper & mash
  • Broccoli Cheese Casserole – this is one of my favorites & has been a staple at our Thanksgivings
  • Pea Salad – has anyone else ever heard of this?! I LOVE pea salads & the recipe I have is my Great Aunt’s.
  • Cranberry Sauce – I tried this recipe I saw in Better Homes & Gardens a couple weeks ago for a test run. Of course I added in Ale-8-One for a twist of Kentucky!
  • Dressing & Dumplings – a la Bob (Mike’s dad)
  • Sweet Potato Casserole – thank you Laurie (Mike’s sister)
  • Apple Pie – or I’m going to attempt. I also found this yummy sounding apple cake….thoughts?
  • Butterscotch Pie – this is my Granny’s recipe & it will be in no way as good as hers was, but I’m going to try

I think the only reason I love hosting is because I LOVE decorating for the event. Remember, I was an event planner for a bit. I’m extremely proud of the table. My food might not be fit to eat but my table looks so beautiful! I had the napkins from a Mother’s Day I hosted years ago & some of the candle holders – then I kinda went from there with inspiration. Now, I don’t have silverware on the table. It didn’t match, so I wasn’t going to mess up the whole look!

Thanksgiving Table Decorations

Thanksgiving Table Setting

Place Mat | Greenery | Candle Holder (tall) | Candle Holders (short) | Plates | Tablecloth

This area has quickly gone from my least favorite in our loft to my most favorite! I even have a little surprise I’m adding to the table, but I don’t want to give it away just yet. Follow along on my Instagram & I’ll give you more details on Thanksgiving!

Tell me what you’re doing for Thanksgiving! Do you host the day or do you go to family or friend’s homes?

I’m Sarah

Welcome to creative outlet, where I’ll talk all things motherhood, cooking, life…it’s going to be a bumpy ride. Let’s take flight!

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