Counting Sheep to Sleep

Tips for restful sleep

Lately, I’ve been exhausted. I fall asleep super fast & then the next thing I know at 2 or 3am I’m awake. I used to be the type that could sleep through the night even though I might take a potty break here & there. It’s even more strange because these mornings I can’t sleep, I just go ahead & get up. I may read Bloglovin’ or a book, I might work on my blog or future projects. It’s a super productive time for me, well I mean after my first 5 cups of coffee. Then I show up to work with my bags & I am not talking about my lunch box, backpack & purse.

In these wee hours of the morning, I’ve done a lot of research on ways to help me sleep better. And I’ve also learned that a lot of my friends are in the same boat. Insomnia is creeping in to our worlds & we have to fight back!

Ways That Help Me Sleep Better:

1.) Turn off that cell phone – I will roll over, get comfy & then a light will flash. No biggie, then it flashes again & again. This is when I get anxious trying to figure out who or what it is. And honestly, nothing is 100% urgent that I need to look. I’ve talked to M, my folks, all is good. But then I look! AHHH Then I’m up for another bit! My advice – hide that baby. Put it in another room to charge, turn it upside down, just stay away from it when trying to sleep.

2.) Meditate – This actually helps. I downloaded Headspace & have been doing the nightly getting to sleep meditation. Two key things I have learned from this to help you fall asleep – a) acknowledge your thoughts when they drift off and then bring them back to focus on breathing b) count back from 1000. Let me tell you this isn’t easy & it will wear you out. I got my mom to try it & the past two mornings she has told me how well this works. So, now I’m telling you!

3.) Cool Temperatures – I have to have a cool room. Then I pile on blankets, don’t laugh. If it’s not cool, you can bet I am going to toss & turn & flop myself out of the bed.

4.) Vitamins – I’m not 100% for Tylenol pm to help you sleep (even though I’ve done it). I decided to look into alternatives & have found that I really really like Olly Restful Sleep. I take a few of the vitamins from this brand & have been super pleased. Plus, these taste like candy. Basically, it’s a win win!

5.) Get that Lavender in the Air – I use a diffuser in my bedroom & usually only add lavender to it. It has an automatic shut off so you can start it before you go to bed & it will cut off while you’re asleep. This is similar to the one I have, but I will tell you personally I can only do the cool colors because the red kinda creeps me out.

Other Ideas:

We are all different, but if you are fighting insomnia you are willing to try anything! Some other ideas that may help would be avoiding caffeine, warm baths before bed & exercise (but not close to bedtime).

If you have sleep tricks, let me know!

I’m Sarah

Welcome to creative outlet, where I’ll talk all things motherhood, cooking, life…it’s going to be a bumpy ride. Let’s take flight!

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